Our basic guideline is common courtesy.

Zona Rosa Town Center is, well, a little tough to describe. You can make this place your own. Bring a blanket and watch a movie on the lawn or concert, shop ‘til you drop, enjoy our restaurants, office spaces and all the amenities we have to offer. Heck, you can even live in an apartment at Zona.

We’re a close-knit community, forming new northland Kansas City traditions every day. We rep our city and our district with pride. And we wear that pride on our sleeve.

While at Zona Rosa our expectations are simple: treat people and the property with respect. The end.

Here is what we do not find neighborly and is not acceptable anywhere at our center:

Discourteous Behavior — rude, ill-mannered or distrustful behavior or conduct.


• Abusive language or gestures
• Yelling
• Loud music
• Loitering in any manner – such as blocking access to walkways, tenant access, pedestrian or vehicle access either sitting, standing or otherwise, loitering in vehicles

Disorderly behavior — anything that may be considered obscene, offensive or adversely affect others.


• Rollerblading, skateboarding, scooters, running, reckless horseplay bikes on sidewalks
• Clothing that is too revealing or is imprinted with offensive language or illustrations • Protests
• Congregating in groups larger than five (5) without consent of Management will be asked to disperse

Disruptive Behavior — any conduct that could affect the safety of our guests or cause a disruption to our normal business operations.


• Careless behavior which may cause damage to the property
• Injury to another person, fighting, any illegal activity or public disorder


  • Children under the age of 17 may not remain in public spaces of Zona Rosa after 9:00 pm, unless accompanied by a parent or legal guardian (unless employed at a Zona business)
  • Operating drones or other radio-controlled devices without the expressed permission of the Management team
  • Smoking is only permitted in designated smoking areas
  • Weapons of any kind are not permitted on property

Have a pet? We love ‘em too!

But please make sure they’re on a leash & controlled by a human.

We reserve the right to identify, in our view, unacceptable behavior and to act as needed to keep everyone safe. Violators of these codes may be subject to expulsion, banning or worse, so just don’t do it.

For questions or concerns, please contact us.

Management Office:
